Rediscover Love Amidst Turmoil

Are you caught in the relentless cycle of saying, "I love you, I hate you" to your spouse? Do you find yourself yearning for the passionate and magnetic connection you once had, yet feel overwhelmed by anger, arguments, and uncertainty about your future together?

Welcome to "I Love You, I Hate You: Navigating Marriage at a Crossroads."

This exclusive, limited-time FREE mini-class, normally valued at $1,000, offers you a sanctuary to untangle the complex web of emotions surrounding your marriage. It's more than just a class; it's a journey towards clarity and empowerment, guiding you to make the most profound decision of your life.

What You Will Gain

From this Free Course


Understand the root of your conflicting emotions and what they mean for your relationship's future.


Equip yourself with the tools to transform your marriage, whether you choose to reignite the flame or lovingly part ways.


Discover strategies to reduce arguments and drama, paving the way for more peaceful interactions.


Learn practical steps to bring back the cuddling, love, and magnetic connection that drew you together.

Identify Your Emotions

Recognize and name what you're feeling in a safe, supportive environment.

Decide Your Path

Gain the insights needed to choose whether to stay and fight for your love or to find peace in letting go.

Reignite Your Connection

Explore proven techniques to restore the balance, passion, and harmony in your relationship.

Transform Your Communication

Learn how to communicate effectively, ending the cycle of desperation and arguments.

Mini Retreat

This mini-class serves as the perfect primer to our transformative in-person relationship retreat in Hawaii, offering a seamless continuation of Daegan's empowering coaching journey, helping you deepen your connection and fully embrace the love and harmony you deserve.
Take the class for free

This isn't just a class; it's a pivotal point in your life. With limited spots available for this once-off free offering, you're on the brink of rediscovering the love and passion you thought was lost. Don't let this opportunity to bring back happiness, love, and great polarity in sex slip through your fingers.

Don't wait. Rekindle the passion and harmony your marriage deserves.

Embrace this chance to transform your marriage and empower yourself to make the decision that could change everything. Find out what steps you need to take to either bring back the magnetic connection you once had or to peacefully move on, with newfound clarity and balance.

I am ready to

Transform My Marriage